Passengers in Need of Assistance

Pregnant passengers

Less than 32 weeks

Passengers less than 32 weeks into pregnancy may travel as normal passengers
unless specifically recommended by a physician to avoid air travel.

At least 32 weeks but less than 37 weeks

Passengers 32 weeks or more into their pregnancy may travel by air only when
certain conditions are met.
Please be sure to check the documentation requirements.

37 weeks or longer (33 weeks or longer for multiple-birth pregnancies)

Air travel is prohibited
to ensure the health of mother and fetus.

Documentation required for air travel by pregnant passengers

1 original medical certificate

Must be drawn up and signed by an OB.GYN, and issued within 7 days of the date of boarding (covers return legs within 7 days of the start of the trip)

The Medical Certificate must clearly indicate the passenger's suitability for air travel and expected date of delivery.

Example) Passenger holding a Medical Certificate issued October 1: May board Yangyang - Taiwan flight on October 2 (document valid), but may not board Yangyang - Taiwan flight on October 9 (document expired)


Please fill out the form we provide at check-in on the day of departure.